get’ for Final Cut Pro Enables Phonetic Searching of MediaIt indexes your media, word by word
By: Scott Simmons
– April 15, 2010 –
Above is a short iPhone-originated RealTime video of a new Final Cut Pro companion application called ‘get’, from AV3 software.
The application runs alongside FCP and indexes all your media on a particular hard drive or specified folder by listening to the audio and then allowing the editor to search for terms in the get application interface. There you can preview, scrub around media and jump to each search result. Questionable name aside, the product is very cool.
Once you find the phrase the clip, section of a clip, or multiple clips can be sent to FCP where markers are placed on each clip for the word searched. It is very nice and could be very, very handy. It uses phonetic indexing so it’s quite accurate. The technology that allows this is from nexidia and it was originally a military technology. Avid uses this in its ScriptSync technology and it works well.
For functionality you can dial in the accuracy of your search results and save specific searches. The get application will also see open Final Cut Pro projects. You’ll be able to buy a specific language for $499 when it ships later in the summer. No word on if you can add languages to your license that you originally buy.
I asked the AV3 software guys if this could be implemented into an Avid Script-Sync like functionality for Final Cut Pro … they just smiled and said they are very familiar with ScriptSync. I don’t see why get could be morphed into a tool tailored specifically for narrative filmmaking. Stay tuned as this is exciting technology that has a lot of potential.